Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works.

~ Steve Jobs

9 Years of User Focused Design

User Flow Diagram example

I strategically include as much detail as possible in UX mapping designs, such as this user flow diagram example. These details are helpful when discussing across teams, bringing a visual focal point to complex processes.

Low Fidelity Design example

I love creating low fidelity designs, I get to focus on the usability portion of the design through layout and strategic placement of content. Examples such as this one is a collaborative effort I get to have with product management, development, and research teams. When the flow is complex, I like to first map out the designs (using wire framing tool Balsamiq) and then link the screens together to create a low fidelity click-through prototype.

High Fidelity Prototype example

Using the LEAN UX mind-set throughout many projects – I’ve facilitated, coordinated, contributed and collaborated with teams to complete a wide range of the UX process. I enjoy the high fidelity design part of the process, thoughtfully planning out how much detail to include to reach project goals and deadlines. The designs I’ve created (using prototyping tool Figma) are used for customer usability tests and then to provide a reference for the Development team.

When I think of strong leadership
Anna-Dawn comes to mind immediately.
She has an excellent command over her choice of words
and always has the right things to say,
at the right time, to the right people.
Under her guidance I feel comfortable sharing my ideas,
inspired to develop my professionalism,
and motivated to deliver high quality work in a timely manner. ~ Emily Martins